Darkness in May. A socialist eye-witness in Odessa

May 5, 2014

Tragedy came to Odessa on Friday 2 May, when clashes between Ukrainian nationalists and pro-Russian separatists led to the deaths of at least 38 people. This report by Sergei from Odessa was published in Russian by the Ukrainian socialist web site “Left Opposition” on Sunday 4 May. I (the editor of People & Nature) agree with those Ukrainian socialists who refuse to take sides in the developing civil war, and who

Odessa. Photo: Reuters

Odessa. Photo: Reuters

put their efforts into building organisations and alliance that will unite working people, and not divide them. Sergei’s article does not deal with such issues; it is his impressions of how events unfolded on the day, and of the responsibility borne by ultra-nationalists on the “pro-Russian” or separatist side, who are mistakenly being presented as “anti-fascist” by some western leftist writers.

A dignified, grey-haired grandpa in a brown jacket talks on the mobile. “Hi. You’re asking where I am? I’m at war.”

Cracked cobblestones, tiny streams of blood on the street, blood-soaked bandages scattered around. A young fellow, about 16 years of age, asks for some space on the Read the rest of this entry »

People and Nature greatest hits of the 2010s

December 23, 2019

I hope, dear readers, you get time for reflection, rejuvenation and relaxation in the midwinter holidays. If you find yourself reaching for your phone for something to read – then, rather than winding yourself up with news of Boris Johnson’s vileness, go a level more thoughtful: look at those People & Nature articles you missed out on first time round. Here is some stuff that has stood the test of time. Thanks for your interest, and see you all (virtually or really) in the 2020s. GL, 23 December 2019.

Climate and ecological emergency

Disaster environmentalism: looking the future in the face (5 December 2019). A critique of Rupert Read, Jem Bendell and other writers linked to Extinction Rebellion

Climate grief, climate anger (25 June 2019). How different global warming looks to young people

What does “climate emergency” mean? Let’s define that OUTSIDE parliament (2 May 2019)

Still bigger mountains of plastic on the way (March 2018). The petrochemicals companies are driving it

Global warming in the Indian context (June 2016). A pamphlet by Indian climate campaigner Nagraj Adve

Let’s face it. Melting ice has passed point of no return (23 November 2015)

The Paris climate talks and the failure of states (February 2015)

Stop tailoring global warming scenarios to make them “politically palatable” (July 2013). An interview with Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Research Read the rest of this entry »

No-one wants to die

May 5, 2014

After Odessa, “remaining human” as a political programme.

A comment by Ilya Budraitskis, published in Russian on the Open Left web site in Russia

In the two days that have passed since the tragic events in Odessa, we have heard dozens of versions of what happened. And all of these versions have been, one way or another, linked to the search for a “hidden hand” that sent two armed groups of demonstrators to clash with each other, and pushed one of them into the slaughterhouse at the House of Trade Unions.

Most of these versions – from those of official Kyiv to those of Russian propagandists – point to the local police, who in a conscious and organised manner held back from any attempt whatsoever to prevent the mounting violence.

Odessa. Photo: napaki.livejournal.com

Odessa. Photo: napaki.livejournal.com

These versions of events as a rule then offer an explanatory “scenario”, that works in favour of one or other side: Yulia Timoshenko [former Ukrainian prime minister] will sabotage the 25 May [presidential] elections [in Ukraine] in order to ensure her own victory in future; the Kyiv government will intimidate the “separatists” and pin responsibility for a bloodbath on their supporters; the Russian government will get more than convincing arguments to discredit supporters of the [Kyiv] “junta”; the [former Ukrainian president] Yanukovich clan will push Russia into open [military] intervention.

In a way, each of these versions sound convincing to us – Russian and Ukrainian people – because we know that none of the forces mentioned would stop at carrying out any crime in order to achieve their ends. This readiness to make victims out of one’s own citizens was always a necessary condition for Read the rest of this entry »

Site contents

July 1, 2012

A complete list of everything on the site, listed by subject

People, nature, climate and ecological crisis

Global warming and the transition away from fossil fuels

Energy systems and electricity networks

Roads, cars, planes and a better transport future

The coronavirus pandemic

Science and technology

Food, land and agriculture

Energy and energy workers

Social and labour movements, and capitalist crisis

The war in Ukraine, 2022

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan

History and prehistory

About People & Nature

Features, analysis and archive

In Russian / На русском

■ And you can follow People & Nature on twitter … instagram … telegram … or whatsapp. Or email peoplenature[at]protonmail.com, and I’ll send you updates. 


People, nature, climate and ecological crisis

GKN sit-in festival: ‘the exploiters need us, but we don’t need them’ (10 April 2024)

Capitalism is anti-us.’ Ex-GKN workers champion ecological transition (6 February 2024)

Italian car workers fight for alternative green production plan (22 December 2023)

Defining ecosocialism (4 December 2023)

Governments are reinforcing fossil fuels’ power. We need to build alliances against it (12 July 2023)

Lutzerath: transformative politics versus Green realism, by Markus Wissen and Ulrich Brand (16 May 2023)

‘Transition is inevitable, but justice is not.’ A challenge to social movements in the rich countries (13 February 2023)

Climate protests are being criminalised, but we will not stop. By Mary Adams (6 January 2023)

Greenwash and techno-babble takes us towards catastrophe. We need to turn the great power of social movements against them (30 November 2022)

Achieving climate justice is about solidarity across borders. Not charity (7 October 2022)

Climate adaptation: more sea walls will not be enough, by Ulrich Brand, Barbara Fried, Rhonda Koch, Hannah Schurian, and Markus Wissen (26 August 2022)

War and climate justice: a discussion (22 July 2022)

Two enemies, one fight: climate disaster and frightful energy bills (16 May 2022)

White or Black Power? The choice before Extinction Rebellion. By Rob Callender (30 April 2022)

Climate change: disruptive mass civil disobedience is our only hope, by Sarah of Extinction Rebellion (2 March 2022)

Roads to an Energy Commons: a pamphlet (17 February 2022)

The class struggle inside energy, by Larry Lohmann (17 February 2022)

Climate mitigation and adaptation will require incremental energy from renewables, by David Schwartzman (17 February 2022)

Fossil fuel systems and how to change them: an on-line talk (35 min) (17 January 2022)

Disentangling capitalism and physics, ‘energy’ and electricity (5 January 2022)

Thermodynamics: a metaphor or a science? by David Schwartzman (5 January 2022)

And if energy itself is unjust? by Larry Lohmann (17 December 2021)

Roads to an energy commons (18 November 2021)

Social and ecological crisis: it’s about living differently. Review of The Imperial Mode of Living by Simon Pirani (21 September 2021)

Defining the “imperial mode of living”. By Ulrich Brand and Markus Wissen (21 September 2021)

Titanium mining in South Africa: communities face a “travesty of justice”. By Hali Healy (13 September 2021)

Let Africa’s queer voices speak in the movement for climate justice. By Orthalia Kunene (6 July 2021)

The contested present versus the populationists’ “ghastly future” (25 May 2021)

Sabotage? Good behaviour? Workers’ action? Seeking a strategy to tackle climate change. Review by Lars Henriksson of How to Blow Up a Pipeline by Andreas Malm (13 May 2021)

China’s CO2 emissions are soaring. But in Monthly Review’s world they are ‘flattening’ (13 April 2021)

Global heating, droughts and storms fuel violence against women. By Orthalia Kunene (1 March 2021)

South Africa: communities remember anti-mining activist Mama Ntshangase, and organise. By Hali Healy (26 January 2021)

China: Xi Jinping’s coal stokes the climate fire (15 January 2021)

China and the “left”: what planet are these people on? (15 January 2021)

South Africa: ‘climate change intensifies gender-based violence’. By Orthalia Kunene (1 September 2020)

China’s coal-fuelled boom: the man who cried “stop” (30 April 2020)

China: reform economists who sought the road not taken (30 April 2020)

Coronavirus, economic crash and climate change: this could go either way (28 April 2020)

South Asian coalition links climate demands with social struggles, by Nagraj Adve (20 February 2020)

A year of record climate disasters in Africa, by Nnimmo Bassey (10 February 2020)

Disaster environmentalism 1: looking the future in the face (5 December 2019)

Disaster environmentalism 2: roads to a post-growth economy (5 December 2019)

Disaster environmentalism 3: what to do (5 December 2019)

“Where the fuck is the government” ask climate strikers (29 November 2019)

North Sea oil and gas: the elephant in the room (4 October 2019)

Battlegrounds of Labour’s Green New Deal (30 September 2019)

Prisoners of a frack-friendly establishment (September 2018)

Social justice and ecological disaster. Red Green Study Group comments (June 2018)

Still bigger mountains of plastic on the way (March 2018)

The Earth and us: ways of seeing (February 2018)

Moving the trade unions past fossil fuels – an interview with Sam Mason (PCS) (August 2017)

We need to talk about the anthropocene (January 2017)

How neo-liberalism used the “limits to growth” – an interview with Sara Nelson (November 2015)

The Anthropocene? It’s just inhuman (April 2015)

The ideologue who tried to make environmentalism mean population control (July 2014)

Rio+20: the pitch for global commodification (July 2012)

Scientists warn Rio+20: biodiversity loss may hit tipping points, too (June 2012)

Collapse and sustainability: arguments we should all hear (April 2012)

Cities: working out a socialist critique (April 2012)

Ecological servitude (March 2012)

The Durban deal, and an inhuman gamble (December 2011)

Durban talks. They won’t? They can’t? (December 2011)

Global warming and the transition away from fossil fuels

Climate change and social justice in Greenwich: why targets matter (6 December 2023)

How to do away with fossil fuel consumption (14 August 2023)

London: corporate pressure versus climate action (12 June 2023)

Straight talk about climate: ‘profound’ social-economic change is needed (4 May 2023)

Stop spending funds on carbon capture failure – researchers (13 April 2023)

Our climate strategy must combat the technofixes-plus-markets fraud, by Les Levidow (15 March 2023)

Oil companies, dictators and greenwashers captured COP27. Hope lies in movements outside the talks process (21 November 2022)

Stop fossil fuel projects, African civil society groups demand (24 August 2022)

Europe’s imperial plunder of African gas, masquerading as climate action (24 August 2022)

Europe’s hydrogen greenwash is the last thing Ukraine needs (12 August 2022)

Ending Europe’s gas addiction: an Earthcare fieldcast (25 May 2022)

The ‘energy security’ strategy that promises more oil and gas, by Peter Somerville (16 May 2022)

COP 26 politicians give thumbs up to oil and gas (11 January 2022)

The UK government’s “net zero” strategy just does not add up, by Peter Somerville (29 November 2021)

Why “net zero” is a fraud: science, technology and politics. Talk by Simon Pirani on video (29 September 2021)

Don’t expect real climate solutions from COP 26. It works for corporations, by Simon Pirani (10 September 2021)

How the UK Climate Change Committee steals from the carbon budget, by Peter Somerville (8 July 2021)

Calculating a fair carbon budget for the UK, by Peter Somerville (8 July 2021)

Hydrogen: green gas or greenwash. Video from Sheffield Festival of Debate (1 June 2021)

Strategies for the new climate war. Simon Pirani reviews Michael Mann’s book (6 April 2021)

The hydrogen hoax (18 December 2020)

Carbon dioxide removal sucks. There are better ways to tackle global warming (13 November 2020)

Leeds trades unionists: zero-carbon homes can help tackle climate change (2 September 2020)

Climate scientists are people too (19 November 2019)

Climate strikers in solidarity with the global south (20 September 2019)

Climate grief, climate anger (25 June 2019)

What does “climate emergency” mean? Let’s define that OUTSIDE parliament (2 May 2019)

Climate change must be a thing. It’s on prime time TV (April 2019)

The climate fire raging under the international political system. Review of Climate Leviathan by Geoff Mann and Joel Wainwright (October 2018)

Will Labour’s climate policy rely on monstrous techno-fixes like BECCS? (March 2018)

Let’s take Corbyn’s climate proposals seriously (September 2016)

Global warming in the Indian context, by Nagraj Adve (June 2016)

Let’s face it. Melting ice has passed point of no return (23 November 2015)

The Paris climate talks and the failure of states (February 2015)

Climate scientists go for “human tipping point” (May 2014)

Radical GHG emissions policies need radical social movements to back them (December 2013)

Global warming: Pacific trends may explain hiatus, but the big picture has not changed (September 2013)

Hotter and hotter, stormier and stormier (July 2013)

Stop tailoring global warming scenarios to make them “politically palatable”, says leading climate scientist (July 2013)

Climate science deniers, sceptics and changing the world (April 2013)

New paleoclimate study: pace of global warming beats anything since the Ice Age (March 2013)

No Dash For Gas: We climbed those chimneys to kick-start protest and debate (March 2013)

A Galileo for Our Time. Review of Storms of My Grandchildren, by James Hansen (June 2011)

Energy systems and electricity networks

“Market forces” will never prevent climate disaster. Review of The Price is Wrong by Brett Christophers (3 May 2024)

Decarbonising the built environment: a global overview, by Tom Ackers (27 November 2023)

The built environment: concepts and measures: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 2 (27 November 2023)

The built environment in the fossil economy. A history: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 3 (27 November 2023)

The China shock: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 4 (27 November 2023)

Quantifying material use emissions and the scale of decarbonisation: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 5 (28 November 2023)

Contraction and convergence, development and urbanisation: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 6 (28 November 2023)

Embodied emissions: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 7 (29 November 2023)

Decarbonising embodied emissions: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 8 (29 November 2023)

Operational emissions and the thermal performance of buildings: Decarbonising the built environment, Part 9 (30 November 2023)

Decarbonising heating and cooling: Decarbonising the build environment, Part 10 (30 November 2023)

Realising renewable power’s potential means combating capital (7 November 2023)

Wind, water, solar and socialism. Part 1: energy supply (13 September 2023)

Wind, water, solar and socialism. Part 2: electricity networks (15 September 2023)

Community action kills off hydrogen greenwash plan (12 July 2023)

India: ‘Hydrogen Mission’ must not become expensive greenwash (11 April 2023)

India: ‘Green Hydrogen’ project could undermine climate and social justice goals (27 March 2023)

Communities question hydrogen hype (16 December 2022)

What cutting greenhouse gas emissions actually means in practice (24 October 2022)

Hydrogen for homes is a terrible idea. We should fight it (30 October 2020)

Making decentralised electricity work for all of us (30 September 2019)

Memo to Labour. Let’s have energy systems integration for the many (May 2018)

Roads, cars, planes and a better transport future

Zero fares: a way to act on climate and social justice (20 March 2024)

‘Free public transport opens the city to all’ (1 March 2024)

Proposal to campaign for free public transport in London (6 December 2023)

Transport: how Silicon Valley turns technologies against us all – a review of Road to Nowhere by Paris Marx (23 January 2023)

The real futures tech is building – excerpt from Road to Nowhere (23 January 2023)

Appeal to Labour Party members: help turn back this tide of greenwash (21 December 2022)

Cut motor traffic. Live better lives. Tackle climate change (16 September 2022)

Silvertown tunnel reinforces deadly climate doublethink (16 August 2022)

Lower Thames Crossing? No. Stop this road-building madness (16 June 2022)

Greenwashed Silvertown tunnel pollutes, trashes the climate and steamrollers democracy (13 June 2022)

Jet zero and the politics of the technofix, by Gareth Dale and Josh Moos (9 September 2021)

‘The mayor won’t change his mind’ (29 June 2021)

There’s still time to stop the climate-trashing Silvertown tunnel (24 March 2021)

Electric cars are no panacea. The government’s focus on them is a sham (23 February 2021)

Heathrow: “jobs vs climate action” is a false choice. Reject it (June 2018)

The coronavirus pandemic

Public health: workers and communities organise, Tory ministers undermine, by Phil Edwards (29 May 2020)

The hostile environment. Who needs a virus, by Phil Edwards (29 May 2020)

Test, trace, isolate, support. Don’t trust the government with any of it (18 May 2020)

Coronavirus: Doctors advise. The government does not listen (17 March 2020)

Coronavirus: scientists versus the government (13 March 2020)

Science and technology

Liverpool: Stop the electronic war fair. By Ritchie Hunter (13 August 2021)

Luddism for the age of robotics. A review by Simon Pirani of Breaking Things at Work by Gavin Mueller (May 2021)

Geo-engineering: let’s not get it back to front. A response to After Geoengineering by Holly Jean Buck (November 2019)

Getting lost on the road to communist utopia (September 2019)

Technologies that multiply inequalities (December 2017)

China: collective resistance against iSlavery (October 2017)

Interrogating digital capitalism (10 July 2017)

The Lucas plan and the politics of technology, by David King (26 October 2016)

Technological utopias: the nuts and bolts (23 September 2016). A response to Inventing the Future by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams

Networked socialism: back to the future (23 September 2016)

“Left-wing” Trident? You’re having a laugh (8 April 2016)

I have seen the techno-future and I’m not so sure it works. Comments on Postcapitalism by Paul Mason. (4 April 2016)

‘The instrument of labour strikes down the labourer.’ Marx on machinery is worth reading. (A response to Ned Ludd, June 2015)

Towards a real fusion of socialism and ecology, by Ned Ludd (June 2015)

A radical critique of science: writing the next chapter (April 2015)

We’re all Luddites now (August 2013)

Technology and socialism. Do they fit together THAT easily? (August 2013)

Food, land and agriculture

Global warming underlies India’s “giant agrarian crisis” – by Nagraj Adve (November 2018)

Kazakhstan: land protesters face police rampage – by Andrei Grishin (25 May 2016)

Kazakhstan: land protests force president to back down – by Andrei Grishin (6 May 2016)

‘A vector of inequality, degradation and violence’ – review of The Ecological Hoofprint by Tony Weis (August 2014)

Cameroon land grab meltdown (September 2013)

Up to half of all food is wasted: agri-industry and supermarkets are culpable (January 2013)

They could soon be betting on food supplies (November 2012)

Scramble for land: paths of resistance (August 2012)

Scramble for land: a continent up for sale (August 2012)

Indonesia: struggles for land, and global warming in the here-and-now (November 2011)

Food price surges and the economy’s natural limits (October 2011)

Food price rises: caused by speculation, or fundamentals, or both? (October 2011)

Agrarian change, but not as we know it (October 2011)

Energy and energy workers

Durham and Ukraine miners: historic links of friendship. From the miners’ gala programme (6 July 2022)

Kazakhstan, ten years after the Zhanaozen massacre: oil workers’ fight to organise goes on (15 December 2021)

Oil and the United Kingdom: towards extinction … or hope. Terry Brotherstone reviews Crude Britannia by James Marriott and Terry Macalister (23 August 2021)

Iran oil workers’ strike: a spectre haunting neoliberalism (16 July 2021)

Just transition on the North Sea: let’s talk about public ownership (15 December 2020)

North sea workers ready to switch to renewables, survey shows (29 September 2020)

They shot to kill: eight years on from the massacre of Kazakhstan’s striking oil workers. An interview with Galym Ageleuov (13 January 2020)

Ukraine: miners strike back against wage arrears (4 August 2017)

Free Nurbek Kushakbayev! Support independent workers’ organisation in Kazakhstan! (19 April 2017)

Investors who profit as oil workers face repression (19 April 2017)

Kazakhstan: state threat to shut down independent unions (14 December 2016)

Break the silence on Azerbaijan oil workers’ deaths (4 August 2016)

It’s “oil first, people second”, just like in Soviet times – interview with Mirvari Gharamanli, Oil Workers Rights Protection Organisation (4 August 2016)

Kazakhstan. A young mother grieves, Tony Blair cashes in (20 April 2016)

Kazakhstan: who ordered the killings and tortures? (13 December 2015)

Kazakhstan: oil companies threaten activists (13 December 2015)

Kazakhstan: legal shackles on workers’ movement challenged (21 June 2015)

Activists imprisoned in Azerbaijan, the house that BP built (7 June 2015)

Zhanaozen: the unknown tragedy (December 2014)

Kazakh oil workers: the fight for justice goes on, by Erlan Kaliev (December 2014)

Deeper, costlier and dirtier (June 2014)

Kazakhstan: most jailed oil workers now free, but truth about massacre still hidden (22 April 2014)

Court moves jailed oil worker Roza (9 January 2014)

“Roza is a leader: that’s why they jailed her” (December 2013)

Kyiv conference demands justice for Kazakh oil workers (November 2013)

Searching for our Happy Lands (September 2013)

Safety on the North Sea: back to business as usual, by Neil Rothnie (September 2013)

Gas blowout on Total’s Elgin field: letter from a North Sea oil worker to Reclaim the Power (August 2013)

The price of Iraqi oil: union leader in court for organising a strike (April 2013)

London rail workers call for action on Kazakhstan oilfield repression (November 2012)

Support Pussy Riot by all means. But support the Kazakh oil workers too (August 2012)

Nothing safe about these landscapes transformed by oil. Review of Edward Burtynsky’s photography (July 2012)

The price of oil: Kazakh activists imprisoned (June 2012)

Deconstructing “energy security”: some questions (March 2012)

The price of oil, the Kazakh massacre and the city of London (December 2011)

Corporate barbarity in the age of “peak oil” (October 2011)

Coalfield paradoxes (July 2011)

How will we get from here to there? Review of Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution, edited by Kolya Abramsky (July 2011)

Social and labour movements, and capitalist crisis

Women standing up for mining communities, forty years on (4 March 2023)

I’m Explaining a Few Things About Palestine – after Pablo Neruda, by John Graham Davies (22 November 2023)

Palestine and Ukraine: how 21st century empires wage war (30 October 2023)

‘If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to act’ (30 October 2023)

A vigil for China fire victims, by Bob Myers (5 December 2022)

Let’s recognise care as a social good, by Hilary Horrocks (23 November 2021)

Social care is up against the profiteers, by Stuart Carter (23 November 2021)

From a ready meals factory … to social revolution. A review by Bob Myers of Class Power on Zero-Hours (4 May 2020)

The money mountains are tumbling down (24 March 2020)

Comparethepolitics.com. A consumer’s guide to post-election inquests, by Bob Myers (7 January 2020)

Confronting the agents of capital: a Corbynista’s dilemma, by John Graham Davies (19 December 2019)

After the election: standing up to the global rise of nationalism, by Martin Beveridge (17 December 2019)

Nightmare on Downing Street (16 December 2019)

“You shut down our parliament – we shut down the streets” (31 August 2019)

Tomorrow’s world, yesterday’s wages (31 August 2019)

Zealots and ditherers (15 August 2019)

Let’s remember victims of British tyranny. You said it, Akala (5 November 2018)

Brazilians against Bolsonaro (28 October 2018)

Starting to understand the Syrian tragedy. A review of Impossible Revolution by Yassin al-Haj Saleh (August 2018)

The “anti-imperialism” of idiots. By Leila al-Shami (15 April 2018)

Iran: sedition, revolt, revolution and social disintegration. An interview with Torab Saleth (March 2018)

The Stansted 15: heroes for our time (19 March 2018)

From resisting property developers to making ecosocialist strategy, by Gordon Peters (21 December 2017)

Syria: the revolution is alive, but buried under rubble (7 December 2017)

Remember the biggest ever revolt against war (6 November 2017)

Here are the voices of Syria’s revolution. Let’s listen (27 July 2017)

After Grenfell Tower, by Cliff Slaughter (12 July 2017)

What would Corbyn do? (20 June 2017)

Collective rage, collective care, by David Berrie (19 June 2017)

A feeling of persecution that runs deep, by Al Mikey (19 June 2017)

Scotland: We encourage everyone to speak, even if their voice shakes. By Cathy Milligan (3 April 2017)

“Tyrants across the world now know they can maintain power through mass slaughter.” Leila al-Shami: interview for Open Left (16 December 2016)

Syria: voices from Aleppo (14 December 2016)

Afghanistan: pictures that are worth thousands of words (December 2016)

Wear the white poppy, for all victims of all wars (25 October 2016)

After the referendum: what we can do – by Ewa Jasiewicz (25 June 2016)

Let’s look the Brexit dangers in the eye (25 June 2016)

Wear the white poppy with pride (21 September 2015)

We’ll turn Sharokh Zamani’s death into a banner of workers’ solidarity and unity, by Iranian workers’ organisations (20 September 2015)

Jeremy Corbyn strikes a blow at Blair-ism. And now what? (13 September 2015)

A really big anti-austerity demo (20 June, 2015)

Scotland: fight against austerity, against established politics, by Catherine Milligan (October 2014)

Scotland: ‘this movement is learning fast, growing arms and legs’, by Catherine Milligan (September 2014)

Scotland: “yes” was for social justice, not narrow patriotism, by Hilary Horrocks (September 2014)

Scotland: ‘the opportunity for real people power’ by Catherine Milligan (September 2014)

Bob Crow (March 2014)

Slaughtering sacred cows, by Anthony McIntyre (October 2013)

We need Zizek’s “Thatcher of the left” like a fish needs a bicycle (April 2013)

The Greek crisis from within (December 2012)

Taranto community refuses false choice “health vs jobs”: an example to follow

Kicking off? This is just the start. Review of Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere, by Paul Mason (March 2012)

Why revolution could be back on the agenda (August 2011)

The war in Ukraine, 2022-24

Wheat as a weapon: European farmers’ protests and the Ukraine war, by Eva Gelinsky (30 April 2024)

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires (8 April 2024)

No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world (8 April 2024)

Russia turns Ukraine’s occupied areas into an armed camp (21 February 2024)

Crimean political prisoner Bohdan Ziza: ‘My anti-war action was a cry from the heart’ (17 January 2024)

Russia: how security services entrapped and framed teenager Valeria Zotova (18 August 2023)

Ukraine: war makes just energy transition more urgent (27 July 2023)

‘What did each of us do to stop this nightmare?’, by Solidarity Zone (8 June 2023)

Western capital, warmonger Putin and the climate policy disaster (18 May 2023)

Why the sanctions on Russia are blunted: a podcast with Commons (Spil’ne), Ukraine (16 May 2023)

Russia: 19-year sentences for anti-war protest, by Solidarity Zone (11 April 2023)

Happy birthday, Kirill Butylin (27 February 2023)

‘Ukraine is fighting occupiers and tormenters’, by Good Night Imperial Pride (27 February 2023)

Russian socialists say: ‘War on war!’ (20 February 2023)

The North Stream pipeline explosions: challenging false narratives. By Simon Pirani (16 February 2023)

Imperialism, South Africa and the ANC: an exchange of views. By Tom Lodge, Lesego Masisi and Bob Myers (16 February 2023)

Russia: ‘I sacrificed myself to the regime, but I am not a terrorist’ (31 January 2023)

South Africa and Russia: the oppressors make a deal (26 January 2023)

A message from Dnipro: track down the war criminals, by Anatoly Dubovik (17 January 2023)

Russia: the time for protest has gone, it’s time for resistance, by Armen Aramyan of Doxa (17 January 2023)

Russia. Renaissance is not going to happen, by Mira Tai (28 December 2022)

How Russia’s tame opposition parties support the war on Ukraine (18 November 2022)

Ukraine’s energy system: principles for post-war reconstruction (28 October 2022)

The limits of western economic war with Russia and the failure of climate policy (17 October 2022)

Ukraine: bogus ‘anti imperialism’ serves the Kremlin (28 September 2022)

Ukrainians face forcible deportation and conscription by Russian forces (27 June 2022)

Why is Ukrainian resistance invisible to you? An appeal to supporters of the Stop the War Coalition (27 June 2022)

Ukraine: ‘we are surviving, but not living’ under Russian occupation. By labour movement activists (13 June 2022)

‘The Russian empire is failing in its own way’, a conversation between Anthony McIntyre and Simon Pirani (1 June 2022)

Russia: a new wave of anti-war protest, by Pavel Lisyansky (20 May 2022)

‘The deeper we go into war, the more Putin stands to lose’, by François Chesnais (27 April 2022)

Supporting the Ukrainian resistance. Six questions (19 April 2022) 

Russian soldiers killed that family, just … because. By Anatoly Dubovik in Dnipro (7 April 2022)

UK trade unions make ‘solidarity with Ukraine’ call (7 April 2022)

Solidarity appeal for Ukrainian victims of Russian army abductions (4 April 2022)

Ukraine: filtration in Russian-occupied areas is “a way of terrorising civil society”. By Pavel Lisyansky (4 April 2022)

War in Ukraine: reflections and proposals for internationalist union action (31 March 2022)

French trade unions plan workers’ convoy to Ukraine (29 March 2022)

Ukraine. One day on the life of Dnipro. By Anatoly Dubovik (29 March 2022)

Russian army unleashes terror in occupied cities (24 March 2022)

Putin has sacrificed Russia’s economy for this war on Ukraine’s people (24 March 2022)

Is this monstrous war of aggression really between two equal sides? (21 March 2022)

Ukraine: the sources of danger of a wider war (21 March 2022)

‘No war but the class war’. Not a very useful slogan (14 March 2022) 

Putin’s war is the face of 21st century capitalism. A podcast (11 March 2022)

Why Ukraine is a Syrian cause, by Yassin al-haj Saleh (9 March 2022)

Solidarity with Russia’s anti-war schoolteachers (9 March 2022)

Russian feminists launch anti-war action (5 March 2022)

Worker activists call for solidarity against war (3 March 2022)

The “republics” Putin is fighting for, by Simon Pirani (3 March 2022)

Russians revolt against Putin’s war (28 February 2022)

Russia sacrifices economic goals for military aggression (28 February 2022)

Russian and Ukrainian voices against Putin’s war (24 February 2022)

Ukraine: ‘condemn Russia’s imperialist threat’ (24 January 2022)

Russia and Ukraine: “militarism and nationalism are lethally dangerous drugs” (29 December 2021)

Putin’s little helpers undermine solidarity (29 December 2021)

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan

‘After this round of repression, we will rise again’ – Russian political prisoner Ilya Shakursky (2 October 2023)

Belarus: oil refinery trade union leaders arrested (14 August 2023)

Russia: nature reserve staff hit with savage jail terms (20 July 2022)

Kazakhstan: an eyewitness to the uprising in Almay (9 January 2022)

Revolt and repression in Kazakhstan (9 January 2022)

Aron Atabek: poet, rebel, Kazakh samurai (6 December 2021)

“Now and then the flame dies down. But solidarity is a stream of sparks.” Interview with antifascist political prisoner Ilya Shakursky (18 January 2021)

Statement by the Rupression collective (18 January 2021)

To remember is to fight! (18 January 2021)

Belarus medic says: “You chose to spit in our faces. We won’t forget.” (16 November 2020)

Belarus: labour protest as part of political revolt (12 November 2020)

Belarus: potash workers strike to support victims of police violence (17 August 2020)

Belarus: ‘without organisation, without struggle, the oppressive unfreedom will never disappear’ (14 August 2020)

Viktor Filinkov, political prisoner: “an idealist who takes on responsibility for the big picture” (3 July 2020)

Lugansk: authorities cough up miners’ unpaid wages, but activists still under arrest (14 June 2020)

Lugansk miners occupy pit and defy security forces (9 June 2020)

Moscow couriers strike: “no limit to the indignation” (8 June 2020)

Happy birthday Azat! (20 March 2020)

Russia: “network” case anti-fascists jailed for 6 to 18 years (11 February 2020)

Russia: a new wave of political repression. From the Praxis Centre, Moscow (26 November 2019)

“Network case” update: Arman Sagynbaev (26 November 2019)

“You picked a fight with the state, we will grind you into dust.” How a Russian activist was tortured (4 June 2019)

Russia normalises torture in case against anti-fascists (10 February 2019)

New Russian torture case provokes student anger (5 February 2019)

Russian security services may have used agent provocateur to frame up anti-fascists (31 January 2019)

“Russia’s ‘anti-fascist’ fascism is not an exotic far-away reality.” It’s here (20 January 2019)

Relentless repression in Russia: why we will demonstrate on 19 January (14 January 2019)

From a Russian prison: “Give people freedom. Let them be carefree” (11 January 2019)

“Electric shock is our way of doing things” (31 December 2018)

Russian anti-fascists under attack: solidarity demo in London (December 2018)

Support Ukrainian political prisoners (24 July 2018)

Desperately seeking socialism. Discussion by Gabriel Levy and Ilya Budraitskis on the history of the Soviet dissidents (18 June 2018) – and a Russian version here / Русская версия здесь

“Free the Kremlin’s hostages” (3 June 2018)

Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate: staring history in the face (14 May 2018)

FIFA World Cup 2018: Sport is for the people, not for governments and big business! – by Moscow university students (19 April 2018)

Russia: anti-fascists threatened by state torturers (17 April 2018)

Ukraine: women organise in the war zone (11 March 2018)

Russia: trade unions and anti-fascists unite (16 January 2018)

Russia: ‘extremism’ case against environmentalist collapses (August 2017)

Ukraine: “we need new ways of organising”. Interview with Pavel Lisyansky (4 August 2017)

Ukraine: trade unionists and communities oppose Donbass rail blockade (13 March 2017)

Alexei Gaskarov: “They aren’t winning this game by turning to crackdowns” (November 2016)

Living standards plummet: what war in Ukraine has “achieved” # 2 (14 October 2016)

Slave labour in Lugansk: what war in Ukraine has “achieved”. (October 2016)

Russia mining deaths: families denounce management safety cheats (29 February 2016)

Russia: punishment psychiatry back in vogue (17 February 2016)

Ukrainian anti-fascists defy attack by neo-Nazis (20 January 2016)

Eastern Ukraine: labour and community organising near the front line (20 January 2016)

Meaningful art: the Lubyanka police headquarters ablaze (12 November 2015)

Eastern Ukraine: bosses tighten the screw, but eventually the screw’s thread will break (9 November 2015)

Ukraine: workers organise at the grass roots (28 September 2015)

Free Sergei Ilchenko! Free speech! (14 July 2015)

Russia and Ukraine: history called up on national service (9 July 2015)

Workers’ solidarity in wartime: Bosnia 1993, Ukraine 2015 (March 2015)

NUM solidarity with besieged Ukrainian miners (20 January 2015)

Free Leonid Tikhonov! (18 January 2015)

When process is more vital than outcome – Russian political prisoner Alexei Gaskarov (6 January 2015)

The desire for justice has not faded – Russian political prisoner Alexei Gaskarov (4 January 2015)

The spectre of social unrest is haunting Putin’s Russia (December 2014)

Ukraine: war as a means of social control (October 2014)

Ukraine: truce the least bad option, but it gave space to fascists on all sides, by Denis (Autonomous Workers Union, Kyiv) (October 2014)

Social protest and repression in Donbass (October 2014)

‘If the way to freedom runs through prison, we are ready to go’ – speech by Alexei Gaskarov (6 August 2014)

The Boeing 777: can Putin back down, by Ilya Budraitskis (20 July 2014)

‘A gangster-police putsch, presented in “people’s” wrapping’ (20 July 2014)

Ukraine: Russian White Guards in the Donbass, by Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski (5 July 2014)

‘Libertarian in spirit’: the left and Maidan (16 June 2014)

Eastern Ukraine: beyond the fragments (22 May 2014)

To citizens of Ukraine and the world: No war in Ukraine! by Oleg Yasinsky (11 May 2014)

No-one wants to die, by Ilya Budraitskis (5 May 2014)

Darkness in May. A socialist eye-witness in Odessa (5 May 2014)

Return of the Gendarme, by Kirill Buketov (24 April 2014)

Take sides with people, not with Putin (March 2014)

Crimea: a divisive, dangerous assault (March 2014)

Ukrainians, Russians and Europeans against Putin’s war (March 2014)

Ukraine 1. Yanukovich’s end is a beginning (February 2014)

Ukraine 2. A political earthquake for Europe and Russia (February 2014)

“What the authorities want is revenge”, Russian demo accused tells court (February 2014)

Russia: free political prisoners, by Maria C. (October 2013)

History and prehistory

Communist Dissidents in Early Soviet Russia. Five documents translated and introduced by Simon Pirani – free to download as a PDF (September 2023)

Queer Tolstoy and anti-authoritarian struggle today, by Javier Sethness Castro (13 February 2023)

Looking back to the Russian revolution from the 21st century (5 November 2021)

Ukraine 1917: socialism and nationalism in a world turned upside down. A review of The Workers’ Movement and the National Question in Ukraine, 1897-1918, by Marko Bojcun (November 2021)

The Russian revolution: how emancipatory hopes and antisemitic poison overlapped. A review by Simon Pirani of Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution by Brendan McGeever (May 2021) 

The Kronshtadt revolt and the workers’ movement, by Simon Pirani (February 2021) 

Genetics and the peopling of Britain: we are all hybrids, by Steve Drury (April 2019)

“I am here as the accuser, of capitalism dripping with blood from head to foot”, by Terry Brotherstone. (May 2018)

The Death of Stalin is a riot. (21 November 2017)

Voting as counter-revolution, by Anti-war (20 June 2017)

“The street has already spoken, gentlemen.” The Russian revolution, replayed in real time (March 2017)

From the Russian revolution to socialism on Mars. Comments on Postcapitalism by Paul Mason. (4 April 2016)

Revolutions and rose-tinted spectacles, by Anti-War (July 2015)

John Maclean: the accuser of capitalism (August 2014)

World war one and 100 years of counter-revolution, by Mark Kosman (August 2014)

The revolution that worked … after many experiments, by Mike Nelson (October 2013)

Human origins: take care with the evidence, by Steve Drury (August 2013)

The revolution that worked, by Chris Knight (July 2013)

About People & Nature

Rage against the machines (11 November 2020)


An article setting out the starting-point for this site

People and Nature: towards a socialist approach (September 2011)

Other articles and reviews

Springtime in London (April 2023)

How energy was commodified, and how it could be decommodified, by Simon Pirani (November 2021)

Reading Marx on ecology: “capitalism generates an unrepairable physical rift”. Barbara Harriss-White discusses Kohei Saito’s book Marx’s Eco-socialism (December 2019)

Global warming in the Indian context, by Nagraj Adve

The trouble with “economic growth”, by Gabriel Levy (August 2012)

Natural limits, sustainability and socialism, by Gabriel Levy (August 2012)

Human madness in an inhuman society, by Steve Drury (March 2012)

No. Morals really are not written in our genes, by Steve Drury (July 2013) (see also part 2 and part 3)

Ecological servitude: introduction

North Sea oil workers’ history

The North Sea 1: the reaction to Piper Alpha (also see part 2 and part 3)

The North Sea 4: the Blowout archive

Campaign in support of Kazakh oil workers

Kazakh oil workers – an index page

Zhanaozen: worker organisation and repression (December 2013)

Report by the Solicitors International Human Rights Group on the trial of Vladimir Kozlov and others

Historical articles

Argentina 1976-1981: Theatre Against Dictatorship

“You’re not a worker, youre just a pair of hands.” How Leeds women workers struck back, 1970. By Liz Leicester (February 2019)

Accuser of capitalism: John Maclean’s speech from the dock, 9 May 1918. (Introduction, the speech from the dock, and Afterword)

The human species and the earth’s crust, by Amadeo Bordiga (1952)
Plus notes about Amadeo Bordiga

Nuclear power: the rigged debate – by the BSSRS Politics of Energy group (1981)


Коммунистическая оппозиция в ранней Советской России. Пять архивных документов – предисловие Саймона Пирани (сентября 2023)

В поисках утраченного социализма (июнь 2018)

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